Schools in Chile
The country has 4 affiliated schools, located in Poconchile, Pirque, Talca and Loncoche. Diverse centres with a strong sense of community and interest in art and the environment, which thanks to the intervention of Piecitos are promoting sports and access to new technologies.

From the beginning of the cooperation in 2012, the aim was not only to provide a solution to their precarious infrastructure, but also to encourage sports practice through school competitions, in order to improve the physical condition of the children, reducing sedentary lifestyles. In addition, since 2017, Prosegur Volunteers have brought the plastic arts to students with workshops on Introduction to Art. From this initiative, the students have been able to discover other artistic and audiovisual forms based on technology such as Stop Motion, creating their own short films.

Since its attachment to Piecitos in 2013, work has been carried out on classrooms and sanitary facilities; teaching materials have been provided and audiovisual tools have been handed out, in order to facilitate the learning process. Among them, the impact of the educational robotics kits, which have enabled pupils to develop new skills, stands out. Thus, teachers have been trained to teach workshops in this STEM discipline, taking advantage of the devices. As a result of this work, the students formed teams to represent the school at the National Robotics Championship in 2019, along with more than 30 groups from other regions of the country.

It joined Piecitos in 2014 and, thanks to improvements in infrastructure and the training plan, doubled its enrolment. Its students work with a commitment to the environment, through workshops developed in partnership with local organisation Kyklos, and their knowledge of water use and energy efficiency has reached beyond the classroom and into the home. In addition, teachers and pupils have built the school's first Punto Limpio, to take care of their environment by recycling. With the support of Prosegur volunteers, the Art Initiation Course leaves its mark on the children who, for the first time, visit the most representative art galleries in the region.

Located in the northern part of the country, the school joined the project in 2017. As part of the first actions, we solved the sanitary and electrical problems of the building to provide adequate space for students and teachers. Together with the educational community, we have worked on various initiatives to promote sport, to improve the physical development of pupils and to promote values such as effort and healthy competition. For this purpose, the Corrida de los Valles is organised, in which other nearby rural schools are invited to participate.